To open the Power Point (PP) program you can either click on the Start
button, select Programs, and then click on Power
Point or you can also open Power Point by double clicking on any
file that is created in Power Point from My Computer or Windows
In PP, files are called presentations. To open a PP file, click on Open an Existing Presentation option in the PP dialog box that pops open when you first launch PP. You can also click on the Open toolbar button to open a PP file.
Opening, closing, saving, getting help, and printing files in PP are
similar to performing these commands in other Office ’97 applications.
You should be familiar with all of these options for this class.
start a new PP presentation, when you first open PP a dialog box appears.
You can start a new presentation by either choosing on Auto Content
Wizard, Template, or a
BlankPresentation. If PP is already
opened you can click on the new button from either the toolbar or the Menu
bar. If you choose from the toolbar you will start creating a blank presentation.
If you choose
New from the File Menu you can
also select Auto Content Wizard, Template, or Blank Presentation.
The Auto Content Wizard will assist you in creating a presentation. When you click on that option a window appears. To continue press the NEXT button. The next question asks what type of presentation you are going to be delivering. Click on the appropriate category then hit the NEXT button. The Wizard then asks how your presentation will be delivered. Most often you will select the first option: presentations, informal meetings, and handouts. The second option is if your presentation is going to be displayed on the Internet or on a Kiosk (which is like an ATM machine). The next two questions are easy to follow, answer them and continue until you reach the finish option. When you click on Finish your presentation will appear. The presentation will have a nice background and a few slides outlining the entire presentation. Use the outline as a guide.
The Template option also helps you create a presentation. A template is a preset document, so all you have to do is fill in the blanks or make a few changes. When you choose the Template option a window pops up and you can choose from a variety of background designs. Click on OK when you have selected one. PP will then ask you to choose a Slide Layout (which will be discussed later) and then show you your slide. Unlike the Wizard, using a Template provides you only with one slide and it does not provide you with an outline for the presentation. You create the rest of the slides on your own.
With the last option, Blank Presentation, you get even
less help from PP. With this option you have to create everything yourself
from scratch.
To move from one slide to the next you should use your scroll bars.
Note: there are many different ways to view your slides and presentation.
To switch views you can either click on the View menu or
choose a view from the icons displayed in the bottom left hand corner.
A small description of each view is listed below.
Slide View
Slide View shows you one slide at a time. This is the view you most
often should be in.
Outline View shows you a diagram of what your presentation looks like,
minus the pictures and backgrounds. Outline View only shows you the order
the slides are in and the level of each text. You can promote
or demote
any text, meaning changing it from a heading or subheading. Outline view
is nice because you can type your entire presentation in outline form before
looking at it in slide form. Note: the spell checker still works in this
view. Also you have a sample of your slide in the top right corner to see
how it looks in slide view.
To add a slide place your cursor at the bottom of the slide that will come before the new slide, then hit the ENTER key on your keyboard. To delete a slide, place your mouse within that slide and choose Delete Slide from the Edit Menu.
Slide Sorter
In Slide Sorter view you can see more than one slide
at a time. You can also click and drag on top of any slide to rearrange
the slide order.
Notes Page
Notes Page view is helpful for the presenter because you have room
at the bottom of each slide to write down what you want to say as each
slide is presented. Also, you can use Notes Page view to create
handouts for the audience by typing the highlights of the lecture as each
slide was presented. Whatever you type in the Notes area will not be displayed
in your slide show presentation.
Slide Layout
When you create a new slide, PP asks what type of slide you are interested
in creating, which is called the Slide Layout. You can change the Slide
Layout at any time. The different Slide Layout options are as follows:
Title Slide – which is used for slides that introduce a topic or presentation
Bulleted Slide – used for when you want a bulleted list on your slide
Table – used for slides that you want a table placed in
Chart – used for slides that you want to display a chart
Organizational Chart – used for slides that you want to insert an organizational chart
Clip Art & Text – which is used for slides that have pictures or text
Combination – slide layouts that use a combination of the above layouts
Inserting Slides
You can insert slides in any Slide View. One way to insert a slide
is to choose New Slide from the Insert Menu.
Another way to insert a slide is to choose
from the toolbar.
Deleting Slides
There are many ways to delete slides. In Outline View and Slide Sorter
View you can click on any slide and press the DELTE key. In all of the
views, you can click on a slide (in Slide View you need to be viewing the
slide that you want to delete) and choose Delete Slide from
the Edit Menu.
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